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Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Perfect Day

   Yesterday was one of those perfect days that you'd love to bottle up so you could savour it during long winter days or the rough patches of life.

   Hubby and I had our day planned from the moment we got up until the time we went to bed, and nature went out of her way to oblige. Even though a few raindrops greeted us at one of our stops, by the time we left our indoor work there, the rain had long since ceased and the sky was brilliantly blue again.

   In the morning we headed for our country place to catch some R & R (and so Hubby could mow the grass--one of his favourite chores!)  The lilacs were blooming and as usual a myriad of birds were singing from their hiding places in the cedar hedges. A slight breeze blew between the trees to keep us cool and the hammock swayed invitingly in them.  After lunch, we headed off to do some wallpaper removal at my parents' house. Now some of you probably would not think of that as being fun, but it can be very therapeutic after a stress-filled week at the office and elsewhere. One of my very favourite things is spending time with the hubby working on projects. We may not talk a lot but there is an easy communication that doesn't require words.

   Before visiting my mother, we stopped at a local restaurant close to my hometown, where everyone seems to know your name (no, it wasn't Cheers! but it was in a small city where there really are no strangers). There is something so wonderful about a touch of nostalgia from time to time!

   There will be more of these days, of course, but this particular one came at just the right time... Grey days do not last forever, and the sun always comes out again...

1 comment:

SnortyBurrito said...

And we should all be very thankful that grey days don't last forever! Your day in the country sounds delightful.