
Gadget by The Blog Doctor.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Quiet! Elves at Work...

Practically everyone at the Funhouse wears more than one hat and has more than one title. For example, Esteemed Co-Worker has been designated the official flower arrangement cleaner-upper. Every Friday, you know that she has done her job by the trail of discarded blooms and the faint odour of algae-green water.

Diva stocks the candy supplies at the front reception desk and waters the collection of flowers and plants on Sir Gnome's balcony. Co-Worker #2 cleans up the mess left behind in the kitchen by certain unnamed parties, brews the morning coffee, and prepares for the Friday bagel feast. 

As the newest member, I have the lowly task of substitute fill-in. On the days that Co-Worker #2 is off shopping, and Esteemed Co-Worker has not yet arrived, I set out the cream cheese, jams, plates, knives and all the other paraphernalia that bagels seem to require. The coffee pot is set to go, too.

There is only one member of the Funhouse to whom no little jobs have been assigned. For the longest time, I thought she had escaped entirely. Now I realize that she has a very important task--co-ordinating all of our movements like a choreographer so that the Gnome never actually sees any of the menial jobs being performed. Like magic, all is clean and ready with no disagreeable little people around....

Just call us the shoemaker's elves!

1 comment:

SnortyBurrito said...

Being an elf sounds like fun!