
Gadget by The Blog Doctor.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

An Ordinary Day

At the dinner table, I imagine most working couple's conversations are along these lines:

He: Please pass the salt, dear.

She: Sure! Oh, by the way, how was your day at the office?

He: Well, not too bad. I worked on three contracts, and had tons of phone calls and emails to return, but I did manage to get out at lunchtime to a great new restaurant.

Not so with Funhouse workers and their spouses! For instance, DH enquired one suppertime how my day had gone.

DH: How was your day at the office?

CG: Well, pretty much the same as always. It started off with a bang (literally!). The receptionist's car was rear-ended this morning on the way to work. After deciding it was safe to continue, and signing a waiver for the emergency personnel, she arrived just a couple of hours late. By lunchtime, she had concluded that she had whiplash, and drove herself off to the doctor's office. Meanwhile, the boss had arrived. He took off his jacket and hung it up as usual on the back of his office door, revealing...wait for it...a fluorescent lime green shirt with coordinating tie! All day the glow followed him wherever he went. Then one of his sidekicks decided it was a good time to throw a hissy fit, which he promptly did, raising blood pressure everywhere, until at last he departed midafternoon, long sighs of relief following him. was your day?!!

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