
Gadget by The Blog Doctor.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Watch Out Below!

"Watch out for fruitcakes and nut cases!" dear hubby admonishes every day as I run out the door to catch the early train.

Being a pedestrian in the city and working downtown can be distinctly hazardous to your health, I've found. Take today, for instance. Besides having to dodge demented taxi drivers and kamikaze bicycle couriers, there is a new menace and it comes from above.

My office is in the middle of several blocks of ageing but genteel buildings. Directly across from my window is a stunning example of Art Deco architecture, with massive columns, gilded ceilings, and ornate stonework, including gargoyles on the four corners of the building. Made of limestone and meticulously carved, they stand guard against the usual urban pests--pigeons and squirrels.

As I've discovered, they have another purpose too. The gargoyles on the more-than-century-old building my office is situated in are as old as it is. Several months ago, architects and engineers discovered that there were cracks in one of them. You'd think that immediately a team of experts would spring into action to replace the offender, but you'd be wrong. The Gnome in his wisdom examined the photos taken by the engineers, hemmed and hawed a bit,and then pronounced the situation safe. As he logically pointed out, if indeed one were to fall, it would merely hit the lower-lying roof and bounce off. There would be no direct hit on a pedestrian. Case closed...

If you happen to be downtown one day, look for me--I'll be the woman carrying a lunch bag, wearing a business suit... and a construction helmet!

P.S. Be sure to watch out for flying P.I.G.S. (previously-identified gargoyles)if you are anywhere in the area!

1 comment:

SnortyBurrito said...

I am having second thoughts about walking downtown.