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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Few Good Men Wanted

Don't get me wrong; there are good men out there. I know because I married one, and my daughter did too.

But to hear my single friends talk, you'd think that there weren't any left on the face of the earth. As my co-worker would lament, "You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince." In her case, it's been too much "kiss", "yecch, frog!", "kiss,kiss", "eew, another frog!". You get the picture.

Do these guys hide under rocks? Do they only come out late at night long after all self-respecting women are tucked into bed?

So.. to settle the question once and for all, where did you meet your spouse/boyfriend/significant other?

P.S. Only those who are happy need reply!!

1 comment:

SnortyBurrito said...

Well it's a complicated story! Technically I met him all too many years ago through the two schools that we had in common, except that we really never knew eachother, I recognized him though! I moved out to my first apartment and had an absolutely horrible roommate and then I replaced that horrible rommate with an even MORE horrible one ... and it was through that guy that I met my husband! We still joke around that I think that the only good thing that came out of living with my last roommate was meeting my Hubby!

P.S. He is good isn't he? :)