
Gadget by The Blog Doctor.

Monday, April 26, 2010

To Catch a Thief (Part II)

The cookie thief has returned, but now staplers are disappearing. There is a particular brand of stapler, just heavy enough (this is a multi-purpose instrument, after all) and just the right size for me. For ME, not just any petty thief!

I even went to the length of Dymo-taping my name on it but apparently, this guy can't read. It was in its usual spot, carefully camouflaged behind the cup of pens and whatnot, next to the desk lamp. Even so, it was not safe enough....

Now I'm getting desperate. Having run through my entire year's allotment of paper clips, and still waiting ever so patiently for a replacement, I need to resort to the big guns.


Missing: one stapler
Last seen: Wednesday, on my desk
Identifying Characteristics: labelled "Cubicle Gnome"; weight: 8 oz;colour:metallic grey
Reward Offered: loan of said stapler for one-half hour period at a time(elastic attached, please note) provided you sign it in and out

Anyone with knowledge leading to the apprehension of this criminal will be rewarded. Anonymous tips are welcomed.

There... that ought to flush out the perpetrator!

1 comment:

SnortyBurrito said...

Stapler thieves ... they're as bad as food thieves, except more cunning because they generally steal said staplers from under your nose! Grrrr...