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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

No Pain, No Gain

In their wisdom, the higher powers decided that in order to keep the employees healthy (happy was too much of a stretch), lunchtime exercise classes were in order.

Naive as I was, I thought the first class would be a gentle way to ease into exercise, since the last time I could remember working out was several pounds ago. So, with that in mind, I had my usual light breakfast and skipped the mid-morning snack (somehow Jos. Louis just didn't fit with the profile).

The first indication that I could be just a tad wrong came when I saw the instructor for the first time. If she turned sideways, you'd miss her. Not only that, but she had brought weights. And I thought that was what I'd been packing on over the winter...but what do I know?!

Our new drill instructor informed us that we could look forward to tighter, leaner abs and glutes. Uh-oh! That sounded ominous; I was sure it would include sweat. Well, by the end of the class I was not "glowing" with perspiration, but sweating like a pig, and every single muscle was letting me know in no uncertain terms that it was not happy.

"Work through the pain, and you'll see the gain!" seemed to be her motto. No kidding! Only thing was, it was through a red haze of pain that I dimly glimpsed her face before I collapsed, face-first, onto my mat.

"Not to worry," I was consoled, "It will get easier." Famous last words! Two days later, sitting in my office chair was an unattainable goal and my one desire was to slowly strangle the instructor.

Alas! I was committed--I had to save face with the younger, fitter girls. So... the following week, there I was again, with a fixed smile on my face but murder in my heart....

1 comment:

SnortyBurrito said...

I feel as if I should say "it gets easier" but I don't always find that's true!